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The Ultimate Over-Built, and Over-Engineered Kamado Grill and Smoker.

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The Ultimate Over-Built, and Over-Engineered Kamado Grill and Smoker.

full size Kamado grills- SMOKER/OVENS

These two full-sized Kamado grills will replace your high-end gasser and produce incredible smoked meats and baked goods.

42” serious big bad

Komodo kamado grill 42 inch serious big bad

32” big bad

Komodo kamado grill 32 inch big bad

Questions?  Talk to Dennis the founder/designer directly +1 (424) 653-6884

full size Kamado SMOKERS - GRILL/OVENS

These two full-sized Kamado Smokers have great capacity for low and slow cooking/smoking and create uniform convection heat for baking.

More Info

23” ultimate

Komodo kamado grill 23 inch ultimate

21” supreme

Komodo kamado grill 21 inch supreme

Komodo Kamado Grill Basics
The Secrets of KamadoCooking


These three Kamado Smokers are designed to be built into your counter or sit on a table. Three sizes from full sized to mini ensure a perfect fit.

More Info

the beast TT

Komodo kamado grill 22 inch the beast table top

lil' isla TT

Komodo kamado grill 19 inch lil isla table top


Komodo kamado grill 16 inch brawny bambino table top

Questions?  Talk to Dennis the founder/designer directly +1 (424) 653-6884

  • Message from the founder, Dennis Linkletter

    Why buy a Komodo Kamado..

    I’m Dennis Linkletter, founder and creator of Komodo Kamado grills.
    Why Komodo Kamado?
    Are you someone who appreciates fine quality, insists on having the best of the best and won’t compromise when purchasing equipment?

    Someone who understands great design and wants something beautiful when they look out on their deck?
    Then a Komodo Kamado is for you.
    That being said…we know our grills are not for everyone — and that's ok.
    If a high quality, super grill seems ridiculous to you...there are many.. much more “main stream” glazed-pot kamados on the market.
    Some people claim Komodo’s costly features and components are outright lavish and extravagant... and they’re right.
    Does a grill really need high-tech insulation or CNC laser cut components? Absolutely not.
    On the other hand, if you value overkill and unsurpassed performance….
    and think that a ceramic grill with 238 lbs of 304 stainless is awesome...
    We are building grills for you.
    You’re going to love… pulling the latch trigger and watching the massive lid open unassisted, and then closing with just a tug of your finger.
    You’re going to love feeling the heft.. of the 3/8” stainless steel grates.
    You’re going to love... The mechanical components that are CNC laser cut from brushed stainless then digitally folded and tig welded.
    You’re going to love the performance.. that three different types of insulation give you...
    One basket/16lbs of charcoal at 235º will burn for 85 hours.
    Not a lotta airflow to dry out your meat there..
    oh and most of all…
    you're going to love hearing...
    The ooh's and ahh's when your friends and family taste the food you’ve cooked!
    Yes total Overkill but absolutely necessary…
    Because, we build the finest grills possible.. no expense spared.
    Because.. we build a grill so user-friendly that using it is actually intuitive.
    Because… we make every component from the finest materials available and use the best methods of fabrication.
    That’s what you’ll get with our grills. But you also get much more…
    The more is something no other company can or will give you...the more is me.
    I’ll be there with you every step of the way from choosing the right grill and accessories, getting it delivered to your door and if you’re a first time chef I’ll even walk you through your first cook.
    Purchase a Komodo Kamado grill and you'll get a bit of me with every grill shipped..
    a grill that you will treasure as a family heirloom,
    a grill that will produce great food for a lifetime.
    If you have not clicked away by now and are still here ... you are probably the person I have in mind when I build these grills.
    So… does a Komodo Kamado Grill sound great?
    Give us a call…you won’t get a call center. You’ll get me..
    Let’s discuss how I can help you get cooking on one of my masterpieces.

    Read more

  • Steven Raichlen,
    Award-Winning Author, Journalist & TV Host

    “It is Unbelievable. Far and away the best ceramic cooker I’ve used.
    Heat control to a single degree. 85 hour burn and it looks like a piece of art.”

  • Chris Lilly,
    16 times World Champion Pit Master Big Bob Gibson's BBQ

    "Komodo Kamado is the best cooking, most efficient and aesthetically perfect outdoor cooker on the market.
    Ask your children what tile color they prefer… one day the Komodo Kamado will be theirs."

  • Meathead Goldwyn,
    Hedonism Evangelist and BBQ Whisperer

    "Pay attention all you Eggheads;
    Komodo Kamado may be the most striking cookers in the world
    with superb craftsmanship and performance with innovative features."

  • Derrick Riches,
    Author, Writer, Product Reviewer

    "The Komodo Kamado is a luxury grill, the epitome of over-engineering..
    You buy this grill because it is attractive, extremely well built and because you can."

  • Doug Hanthorn aka “The Naked Whiz”
    Charcoal Database and Ceramic Cooking website

    "So if you like having the best, if you like knowing your cooker has been designed to be the best and built with the finest components and materials.
    If you want a cooker in your back yard that is also a beautiful work of art, if you want a cooker
    that performs at the highest level, then you will want to give the Komodo Kamado serious consideration.
    It is simply a stunning cooker. Stunning in its beauty, stunning in its design and stunning in its operation."

Questions?  Talk to Dennis the founder/designer directly +1 (424) 653-6884


Dennis Linkletter, the founder and designer of Komodo Kamado, grew up in Laguna Beach CA and has been living and working in Indonesia for the last 30 years.
He successfully designed and built, multiple lines of teak furniture which were sold throughout the United States, but primarily through Not So Far East Trading in Los Angeles.
Today his hand hewn/distressed teak flooring and doors are incorporated in hotels, high-end homes and retail spaces world wide.
He currently lives in Bali with his Thai wife Saisuda and their two children. And because it’s always asked yes he is the son of Jack Linkletter and grandson of television legend Art Linkletter.
The Komodo Kamado journey started when Dennis heard about a factory in Indonesia that was abandoned when it’s “morally ambiguous” owner was forced to leave the country.
After hearing this story, Dennis discovered on the internet that several companies were successfully selling Kamado style, egg- shaped grills and their customers were unusually passionate about them.
He decided to build a grill that capitalized on the strengths and corrected the flaws. Adopting the talented and experienced crew Dennis launched Komodo Kamado. Over the next 15 years every feature of ceramic cookers was examined, brainstormed upon then redesigned. The resulting grill is completely revolutionary in it’s materials, design, engineering and performance.
If you take into consideration methods of fabrication, quality of materials, engineering and performance, it’s obvious that Komodo Kamado is the industry’s unchallenged leader as the ultimate, high performance grill for the discriminating enthusiast.

Kamado is a Japanese word for an earthenware cooking vessel. There are many Kamados on the market, Primo Kamado Kamado Joe Grill Dome and the Big Green Egg are all Kamados. That being said, all Kamados are not created equal..

Glazed pot Kamados have more thermal mass than the typical metal grill. They became immensely popular because this 1/4” of dense material is much more efficient than a simple metal grill which loses heat like a sieve. These simple pots create better food and are easier to use.

These other Kamados are basically glazed ceramic pots with hinged straps and components to control airflow. They have a large firebox which protects the glazed outer body from the high temps from the charcoal. Many of the cheaper units use simple powder painted carbon steel parts and grates, these components are pretty much at the bottom of the quality index.

Traditionally, a charcoal kamado is a Japanese earthenware cooking vessel. The most common version today is a hinged ceramic pot with grates, airflow control ports. because of this construction, they are often referred to as ceramic grills. While very simple in their design, the quality of the food they produce has generated a cult following for these grills. Ceramic grills are also much more weather resistant than metal grills that have a habit of rusting away in many climates.


Much more temperature control and stability, less airflow results in more retained moisture in foods. Charcoal always burns at the maximum volume for the allowed airflow, therefore, controlling airflow is how you regulate temperature. Because a low and slow cook can run 20 hours the volume of air flow and evaporation it creates dramatically influences the moisture content of the final product. The thicker walls of a ceramic grill create the thermal mass giving it stability and reducing heat loss. Metal grills on the other hand absolutely radiate heat and require more fuel and airflow to maintain the cooking temperature. With a metal grill as the ambient temperature changes, you must adjust the airflow to correct for the changes.


The heat held in the walls of the ceramic grill creates the inertia to reduce temperature fluctuations. This stability makes long, low and slow cooks much more user-friendly. With metal grills, you need to adjust your airflow to compensate when temps drop, or even the wind starts to blow to maintain your target cooking temperature.


All the ceramic grills on the market today are basically a simple glazed ceramic pot with a high-temperature firebox to shield the body from the hot charcoal. They are round in shape, built with straps around the middle of both the top and bottom connected by a hinge. The problem with this design is that you can't escape physics, the grills expanded and contract when heated and the straps continually need adjustment. When they lose this adjustment, they leak and burn up gaskets.

Komodo Kamado is the ultimate precision-engineered, high-performance grill and smoker.
Imagine the performance difference when you compare a 1/4” glazed pot to a Komodo Kamado. The KK has a dense
refractory hot face which is 1 1/2” thick.. that’s five times the volume. Outside of that, there is another 1 1/2” of high performing
vermiculite and silica insulation to hold the heat in.. This porous material is then sprayed with an acrylic insulation with nano-ceramic
spheres which also holds heat in but more importantly creates a waterproof jacket to keep moisture/water out of the porous insulation.
The 1/8” thick ceramic tiles are attached to this acrylic jacket using the same material. The magic of this now tiled jacket is that when
heated it becomes elastomeric. It moves with the grill when it expands, there is no escaping physics, the grill grows when heated.
This sandwich of materials does two things, it has a huge volume of thermal mass which creates a convection oven type of uniform
heat, and it prevents heat from escaping. This is the key to better food. With BBQ it's all about the airflow.
Copious amounts of insulation simply holding the heat in. Charcoal always burns at the maximum volume for the allowed airflow.
If you can burn less fuel to maintain your cooking temperature, you will have less airflow, less evaporation, and bingo..
more retained moisture. And the reduced airflow creates more retention time for the charcoal's vapor/smoke..
condensation is how the vapor is transferred to your food. Common sense would dictate that the longer the vapor is with your meat
the more condensation will take place. So not just more retained moisture but also more flavor.
That’s better BBQ by design, engineering, and performance. Read more here about why Komodo Kamado grills are the best you can buy.

A Komodo Kamado is not a ceramic pot, it is made of refractory cements which is what industry uses for high-temperature containment in everything from blast furnaces and nuclear facilities.
It is a multi-layer design with a dense, durable hot face jacketed with a vermiculite and aerogel insulating outer layer. This is then jacketed/protected with a layer of beautiful ceramic tiles attached with a UV resistant acrylic insulation that is elastomeric.. giving it the ability to expand and contract when the grill is heated. All of this efficiency translates into one bowl/16 pounds of charcoal will burn for 85 hours at 235 degrees Fahrenheit!

While this reduced airflow lessens evaporation and creates great food, this insulation creates stability for unheard of set and forget cooking. Set your airflow controls and walk away.. because the ambient temperature no longer affects your grill. Get a good night sleep when you awake your grill be within a few degrees of where you left it, period that simple. No adding fuel or fiddling with airflow even at 30º below zero.

The Komodo Kamado is lavishly appointed with 304 stainless steel components. The 42" grill has 238 lbs of 304 stainless to give you an idea. All KK grills come with multiple 3/8" rod stainless grates.. The hinges, sheet metal and draft door frames are CNC laser-cut and digitally folded using brushed 304 stainless. The rear hinge for the self-opening lid which looks like a suspension component on a race car might not produce better food but it looks amazing, is overbuilt and engineered to last a few lifetimes.
All components except the galvanized industrial castors and the high-carbon rear lid spring are 304 stainless.

Reduced airflow more smoking Q flavor. Condensation is how the charcoal's organic vapor/smoke is transferred to your meat. Common sense would dictate that more retention time (from the reduced airflow) gives more opportunity for this vapor to condense on your meat and therefore you have more ..

This damper top keeps out the rain and is insulated to prevent blistered fingers The machined, oversized acme threaded 304 stainless shaft guarantees it will never bind and opens quickly. Just crack it for low temps, spin it open for high temp sears.

Reduced airflow also gives you more smoking Q flavor. Condensation is how the charcoal's organic vapor/smoke is transferred to your meat. Com that more retention time (from the reduced airflow) gives more opportunity for this vapor to condense on your meat and therefore you have more ..

Reduced airflow also gives you more smoking Q flavor. Condensation is how the charcoal's organic vapor/smoke is transferred to your meat. Com that more retention time (from the reduced airflow) gives more opportunity for this vapor to condense on your meat and therefore you have more ..

Reduced airflow also gives you more smoking Q flavor. Condensation is how the charcoal's organic vapor/smoke is transferred to your meat. Com that more retention time (from the reduced airflow) gives more opportunity for this vapor to condense on your meat and therefore you have more ..

Reduced airflow also gives you more smoking Q flavor. Condensation is how the charcoal's organic vapor/smoke is transferred to your meat. Common retention time (from the reduced airflow) gives more opportunity for this vapor to condense on your meat and therefore you have more ..

Reduced airflow also gives you more smoking Q flavor. Condensation is how the charcoal's organic vapor/smoke is transferred to your meat. would (from the reduced airflow) gives more opportunity for this vapor to condense on your meat and therefore you have more ..

Reduced airflow also gives you more smoking Q flavor. Condensation is how the charcoal's organic vapor/smoke is transferred to your meat. Common sense would dictate that more retention time (from the reduced airflow) gives more opportunity for this vapor to condense

Reduced Condensation is how the charcoal's organic vapor/smoke is transferred to your meat. Common sense would dictate that more retention time (from the reduced airflow) gives more opportunity for this vapor to condense on your meat and therefore you have more ..

Condensation is how the charcoal's organic vapor/smoke is transferred to your meat. Common sense would dictate that more retention time (from the reduced airflow) gives more opportunity for this vapor to condense on your meat and therefore you have more ..

R smoking Q flavor. Condensation is how the charcoal's organic vapor/smoke is transferred to your meat. Common sense would dictate that more retention time (from the reduced airflow) gives more opportunity for this vapor to condense on your meat and therefore you have more ..

u more smoking Q flavor. Condensation is how the charcoal's organic vapor/smoke is transferred to your meat. Common sense would dictate that more retention time (from the reduced airflow) gives more opportunity for this vapor to condense on your meat and therefore you have more ..

u more smoking Q flavor. Condensation is how the charcoal's organic vapor/smoke is transferred to your meat. Common sense would dictate that more retention time (from the reduced airflow) gives more opportunity for this vapor to condense on your meat and therefore you have more ..

u more smoking Q flavor. Condensation is how the charcoal's organic vapor/smoke is transferred to your meat. Common sense would dictate that more retention time (from the reduced airflow) gives more opportunity for this vapor to condense on your meat and therefore you have more ..

also gives you more smoking Q flavor. Condensation is how the charcoal's organic vapor/smoke is transferred to your meat. Common sense would dictate that more retention time (from the reduced airflow) gives more opportunity for this vapor to condense on your meat and therefore you have more ..

All KK grills come plug and play ready for temperature control devices. These use fans and probes to control airflow/temperature. Just set your target grill temperature and walk away. Some models use wifi to send both your grill and meat's temps to your smart phone. The two most popular ones are the BBQ Guru ( and the Stoker (

All KK grills come rotisserie ready. There is a sleeve on the inside left wall of the grill with a spring loaded plate and a sleeve on the right with a socket on the inside. The drive shaft has two bearings and sockets on both ends. One inside and one outside. The motor is mounted on the side accessory plate..and drives the outside socket which drives the roti..

I stumbled into these Kamado grills by accident and jumped in without a proper business or marketing plan.. One thing led to another and soon we found ourselves building a grill that cost so much that it could not be sold using standard wholesale to retail distribution. Our only choice was to cheapen the build or sell with a reasonable profit at what would traditionally be wholesale directly to the public which is what we did.

While the grills are expensive, they are also a great value because of this. Losing the middlemen was the way to go. We believe the internet is now the first place people go to research larger purchases, using both Email and US phone numbers we can efficiently communicate with our customers.

Please excuse the legalese language, but it's a sad reflection of the world we live in.

Komodo Kamado grills are warranted for the life of the product as long as it remains in possession of the original purchaser and proof of purchase can be demonstrated.

*This warranty covers all defects in the materials and workmanship of the grill's body and components. The word "defects," as used in this warranty, is defined as imperfections that impair the utility of the product.

This warranty and does not apply to intentionally misused grills, or damage resulting from negligence, exposure, rental or commercial use, improper cleaning, lack of maintenance/upkeep or other unreasonable uses. Not covered by the warranty is normal wear and tear (as reasonably determined by Komodo Kamado) and defined as "normal deterioration incurred by regular use of a grill." This warranty does not cover damage, loss, or other conditions beyond what the grill was designed for, negligence, misuse or abuse, improper installation or improper maintenance, acts of God such as: wind damage, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fire, monsoons, typhoons, cyclones, and any other naturally caused events.

In the unlikely event that a product has a defect, we require photos of the defect to determine the extent of the defect and the most efficient solution to resolving the problem. Photos should be emailed to or be mailed to us for evaluation.

If a grill component is defective within the terms of the warranty, Komodo Kamado will determine the method for repairing the defective component. No assembly labor is included for such repairs. Komodo Kamado shall replace parts found defective with equivalent parts and shall ship such parts at the purchaser's expense to the purchaser's shipping address. Replacements on discontinued models may require additional funding. Any refunds or credits given will use a 20-year depreciation schedule. Komodo Kamado insures all shipments and does not assume responsibility for any loss or damage incurred in shipping.

Please remember that you need to maintain your grill. Please inspect your grill a minimum of twice a year to ensure the integrity of the acrylic jacket that is used as the adhesive and grout for the tiles. Keeping moisture out of the insulation is of utmost importance. Please monitor crazing/cracks and keep them filled with material supplied by KK.

Steven Raichlen standing with komodo kamado 42 inch and 23 inch grills

Steven Raichlen

Barbecue University
The Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado